Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Test Procedure Final Design


We want to know if our design is clear to unfamiliar people with the assignment, therefore we setup a test with around 20 volunteers. The test will be held with people from outside Delft, in order to be sure volunteers do not answer the questions with their insight of the area. There will be two different kind of test sessions; interviewing people by the use of a computer (behind a desktop or the use of Skype) and face-to-face. The use of a computer screen will symbolize the LCD-screen placed on the central station of Delft. Using Skype will also enable us to interview foreign people which are not even familiar with the Netherlands. The procedure will be the same in both sessions:

The procedure:
For about 10 seconds, the volunteers get to see both versions of the final design followed by this question: 'Do you see any conspicuous differences between these two presentations?'
  • If yes; what are the differences between the two maps? If no; could you indicate what you see in these two images? 
After the introduction of both maps, randomly one version of the final design (could be route K or P) will be shown with the question; 'You are going to visit Delft for shopping and visiting museums. Which route do you choose, route K or P?
  • The answer of the respondent should indicate if they are aware that the K stands for ‘Museum route’ and P for ‘shopping route’. 
The remaining of the interview can be used to ask more specific questions like; Is the map clear? the size, use of colors, contrast etc? Is the meaning of the icons clear? Etc…
And off course, any comments suggestions during the or after the interview are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!

    Cool that you started with the test already!! Looking forward to your results. Good idea of using Skype. Asking the additional questions will also be really helpful i guess. Are you planning of showing them your design during these additional questions?

    But can we also see the desgin that you are going to use for the testing? I read the improvements that you wanted to make based on the feedback of last tuesday. But I did not find any improved design of your previous concept on your blog. Did I miss it?

    Ok goodluck withthe testing!
    teamdryeyes group J
