These are the first concepts for the pedestrian maps to explore the City Center of Delft.
Both the maps start from the Central Station of Delft and show two different versions, one clockwise for the ‘Museum Route’ and one anticlockwise for the ‘Shopping Route’. The ‘Museum Route’ is the map you can find with the name ‘Route K’. The ‘Shopping Route’ with ‘Route P’.
Concept 1
What we implemented in the first concept is a gradient of color. This gradient is showing the subtle differences in the clockwise and anti-clockwise route. Furthermore the important spots in the city center have been transformed in 3D objects. This will not only draw more attention to the readers, but it also functions simultaneously as a landmark. The red dots next to the important buildings indicate the tourists to be aware and look around on the map for the specific activity / landmark.
The shopping bag should not be visual on the final design, it was just a temporary filling for a ‘shopping activity’. Otherwise it would be to obvious what is the shopping route.